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Making Assertiveness Work for You
The Double Bind is real. Women and men can say the exact same words and be perceived very differently. We know it anecdotally, I've...
JoAnn Lauterbach
Mar 7, 20241 min read

Since NYT's Connections hasn't gone there, thought I should!
Drop me a note to tell me what you think of this and who you're going to share this with to spark a meaningful conversation.
JoAnn Lauterbach
Oct 5, 20231 min read

In the name of MY FATHER
2022 has been like no other year for me. I know ... the calendar says we're only at the end of February, but in every other measure for...
JoAnn Lauterbach
Feb 27, 20224 min read

What It Feels Like for a Girl
Every now and then I rummage through my old CD collection looking for something nostalgic to play on long drives. I started doing this in...
JoAnn Lauterbach
Sep 16, 20213 min read

“I’ll have what she’s having!” 3 Reasons to Love Ted Lasso S02 E05
Lessons on assertive communication from TED LASSO.
JoAnn Lauterbach
Aug 26, 20213 min read

Three is a Magic Number
If you spent long ago Saturday mornings in the 70's watching School House Rock like me, you know it's true! Maybe, you came to it later,...
JoAnn Lauterbach
Aug 18, 20212 min read

Everybody Dance!
Up until a few years ago, I routinely spent a few weeks each year running communication workshops in London. These were always some of my...
JoAnn Lauterbach
Jun 9, 20212 min read

A Statement and Four Questions
Based on this statement, no over-thinking, please answer the following four questions. 1. If you had to guess the gender of the speaker,...
JoAnn Lauterbach
Feb 26, 20212 min read

Men and Minimizing Language
Men minimize too. There is research to suggest that both sexes minimize, to more or less the same extent. However, the research indicates...
JoAnn Lauterbach
Jan 29, 20211 min read

Breaking Habits -from Cigarettes to Sorrys
Feel an urge. Rummage in handbag. Grab a cigarette. Find the lighter. Flick it open. Ignite the flame. Inhale. Exhale. Gesture with...
JoAnn Lauterbach
Jan 11, 20212 min read

3 lessons from Michelle Obama's DNC Speeches from 2008 - 2020
Michelle Obama gave exceptional speeches at the last four Democratic National Conventions. She expertly adjusted her delivery to meet...
JoAnn Lauterbach
Aug 25, 20203 min read

Reality Check
In the last few weeks, I've noticed a reoccurring issue that can best be summed up in the below quote. I've experienced a number of these...
JoAnn Lauterbach
May 20, 20201 min read

What's stronger?
Hi, my name is JoAnn, and I'm not working much these days. Whew, that wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Once upon a time, I would...
JoAnn Lauterbach
Apr 28, 20202 min read

Do you or don't you ...
....usually switch on your camera when you sign in to Zoom Meetings? If yes, why? If no, why not? ...really want to be heard? If yes,...
JoAnn Lauterbach
Apr 22, 20201 min read

Mine the Data!
“If you could improve one thing about the way you communicate, what would it be?” Right now, I reckon the vast majority of us would...
JoAnn Lauterbach
Apr 2, 20202 min read

How Not to Trend
I just googled Pustaries, a high-end grocery store in Toronto. The company was trending yesterday. If you live in the Greater Toronto Region
JoAnn Lauterbach
Mar 27, 20201 min read

This International Woman's Day declare War on Self-Diminishing Language!
Most of us have no idea we self-diminish . Take the 1 -minute quiz to find out where you stand. Self-Diminishing Language is prevalent...
JoAnn Lauterbach
Mar 5, 20201 min read

Could your Presence be driving Misperceptions too?
Three Ways to Develop Strong Leadership Presence A few years ago a client complained that I was aggressive. Ouch! Feedback isn’t always...
JoAnn Lauterbach
Nov 27, 20194 min read

Coke as Communicator
Earlier this summer my family and I took off to Japan and spent three glorious weeks experiencing life in six cities on the main island....
JoAnn Lauterbach
Aug 28, 20192 min read

Are you on the Right Channel?
What was the last movie you watched? Where did you watch it? How did you watch it? What price did you pay? How did you share your...
JoAnn Lauterbach
Feb 24, 20192 min read
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