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Scavenger Hunt - Omicron Holiday Edition
Yesterday, I could feel the tentacles of holiday blues creeping in as the latest lockdown restrictions were announced on the radio. I was...
JoAnn Lauterbach
Dec 18, 20212 min read

More, More, More!
Pre-2020, my schedule was unpredictable. I had a wide variety of places, people and pursuits that I would juggle into my days....
JoAnn Lauterbach
Oct 26, 20212 min read

Are your ZOOM meetings the equivalent of "Death by PPT" presentations?
Not sure what I mean? Check out the "Brady Bunch" Zoom screen grab below to get a clear visual on what I'm talking about. I know you...
JoAnn Lauterbach
Aug 27, 20202 min read

Reality Check
In the last few weeks, I've noticed a reoccurring issue that can best be summed up in the below quote. I've experienced a number of these...
JoAnn Lauterbach
May 20, 20201 min read

What really is working?
In my last post, I wrote about redefining what stronger means to me as I quarantine through Covid-19. It occurred to me that there was anoth
JoAnn Lauterbach
Apr 30, 20202 min read

What's stronger?
Hi, my name is JoAnn, and I'm not working much these days. Whew, that wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Once upon a time, I would...
JoAnn Lauterbach
Apr 28, 20202 min read

Quarantine Scavenger Hunt - Music Edition
Yesterday a good friend sent me a picture of a small sign she propped up in front of a tree, just off a path on my daily walking route....
JoAnn Lauterbach
Apr 24, 20202 min read

Do you or don't you ...
....usually switch on your camera when you sign in to Zoom Meetings? If yes, why? If no, why not? ...really want to be heard? If yes,...
JoAnn Lauterbach
Apr 22, 20201 min read
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